The OPSTeam thematic section is born on 2022. It gathers together teachers, researchers and scholars (from University and School), working on Teaching Mathematics and its applications by a Problem Solving Approach. Starting from phenomena and problems allows, on the one side, to introduce the concepts of data, variables, analytical relationships and functions and, on the others side, to present the curricular contents (for both School and University), in an way which is appealing for students.

Thus, the wide-ranging objective of the section is proposing and experiencing innovative solutions for Teaching Mathematics through a Computational Thinking and Problem Solving based approach, for which Operations Research optimization models and algorithms can play a relevant role.

In this context, the section pursues the following aims:

  • sharing and coordinating the initiatives undertaken by AIRO members at national level;
  • promoting and consolidating initiatives focused on Teaching Mathematics at national and international level;
  • sharing experiences and best practices in Teaching Mathematics and Operations Research at School and University level;
  • supporting actions towards institutional and education offices with the aim of promoting and consolidating the teaching of Operations Research topics at School and University level.

To join the section, write a jointly email to and The membership implies the insertion in the mailing-list of the section.
